Something that's funny about small town branches is that people don't really understand the whole reverence thing. A cute investigator walked into sacrament meeting late, as Presidente George was giving his talk.
She said very loudly, "Better
late than never! Buenas tardes Hermanos!"
President George, looking very shocked (as it was the middle of his talk) said, "Oh, bienvenida hermana. Buenas tardes!!"
But we really have seen a ton a miracles and are working hard. We won our zone's traveling Christmas tree this week for having the overall best week! Haha.
I love Teopisca. There aren't a lot of members. But they are faithful, give us food every week and are always ready to come work with us and give us references. They are the best and I love them!!!
Loving life out here in the boonies! Picking corn and beans every day and preaching the gospel too.
Love, Hermana Hansen