and Hermana Ortega and I are still together in Bonanza! Best news ever cuz
she's the best comp in the world. We did a list of things that we have in
common, and found over 50 weird things.... like we both threw up after
we got our wisdom teeth out. COMPAÑERISMA DIVINA PIÑA
One of the best things to see this week has
been the progression of our golden investigators Hermnao H. and his son. I've seen escogidos before... but never THIS escogido.
Hermano H. came to church 2 times before he met us. The first time a
friend brought him, but told him he needed to go to his own ward. So, the
next Sunday she sent him to the right building, but at the wrong time!
He got there at 8 AM but our ward doesnt start until 11 AM! So he waited for
an hour, attended the ward at 9, and then stuck around to finish out our
ward until 2!
Sad news is
there are a lot of changes in our zone. They closed an area so we lost some
of our Hermanas. Elder Brass finished so we are getting a new zone
leader. :( We will miss him so much!! He's like our brother. This cambio
with my familia de Tap Mex has been a great one, full of miracles and
new ideas. We are a zone of action, and hopefully we can take all we
learned and keep it up. I will miss this transfer. It might have been
the best one of my mission so far...but there are more great things to
Farewell to Elder Brass our zone leader
He has such a strong testimony already, and his 14 year old son does as well. When we were scheduling our next appointment with them, we said, "Is it okay if we stop by in 3 days?"
His son said,
Haha! He's always outside playing futbol with his friends, and always comes running in and stops playing just for the lessons! They always set up a little table out back, and give us bolis, and always send us home with tamales de chipilin! It's so awesome, cuz we are used to teaching on dirty broken chairs or piles of laundry or buckets usually. They are the best ever.
Hermana Hansen