JAJA JK. I'm just so freaking happy right now...sorry not sorry...Because I'm in CENTRAL for at least one more transfer! That means I'm gonna have 6 MONTHS here... woohoo!
Our area is growing and we are finally starting to see the fruits of our labors. Por ejemplo (for example).... Hermano J. GOT BAPTIZED YESTERDAY!!! A ton of members came, and it was a beautiful service.
District Elders, Hermano G & J, Hermanas Juarez, Hansen & George
Hermana George and Pres George met him this weekend. Hermana George even came down for the service and sang Mas Cerca Dios de Ti (Nearer My God to Thee) with us for the musical number!
Hermana Hansen, Hermanos G & J, Hermana Juarez
Oh and Hermano G. baptized him! It was his first time baptizing someone, and he was so nervous that he messed up...and Hermano J. got baptized 4 times. But, it's all good!
Hermano J. was ESCOGIDO (chosen) I'm telling you. The Lord prepared him
so much and we were able to come in at a time in his life right when he
needed the gospel most. It's amazing to be instruments in the hands of
But let me just give you all an example of how golden he is: When
we taught him the law of chastity (he's a 22 year old living in Mexico so
usually this doesn't go well), he just said, "Wow....que HERMOSO (that's beautiful)." We
just like stared at him in shock and were like, "Pues...si. La mas
hermoso en el mundo." (Yes, the most beautiful thing in the world)
He then pulled out his phone and read us a quote he
had found on the internet. It was about love and waiting until you were married..or something..and how beautiful he thought it was. Haha it was so
awesome because it just shows how much the Lord prepared him.
I'm telling you the temple session in Spanish is la mas hermosa cosa en el mundo la verdad (the most beautiful thing in the world for reals) If you don't speak Spanish I'm so sorry because it's way better than English!!
Elders Johnson & Nava with Hermanas Hansen & Juarez in front of Tuxtla Gutierrez Temple
Another miracle of this week: We have a less active member and an investigator living in a union libre (not married)... (like everyone here in Chiapas. Marriage is a very uncommon thing) and we kind of ironed her with the law of chastity lesson but I'm telling you with MUCHO AMOR (lots of love). Because we really care about her and want her to live a better life.
The spirit was so strong, and I know she listened to it because she came to church on Sunday with her boyfriend and talked to the bishop!! They are gonna get married in February and her boyfriend is gonna get baptized after that!! I know it was only through the Holy Ghost that she could feel God's love for her and feel the need to get married. IT'S SO AMAZING TO BE A PART OF THIS MARVELOUS WORK!!!!
Love you all!!!
Hermana Hansen