Hola Familia!
Entonces.... apparatlement yo fue
supposed a escribir ustedes cuando yo arrivar en mexico... pero yo no
intendo eso!! LO SIENTO. Pero yo soy aqui! Mi compañera es Hna Martinez y
ella es la mejor!!!!!!! Im in tuxtla gutierrez central. my pday is on
monday! so ill talk to you then.... love you! bye!!
(Well.......apparently I was supposed to write you when I
arrived in Mexico.... but I didn't understand this!! I'M SORRY. But I
am here! My companion is Hermana Martinez and she is the
She landed safely in Tuxtla Gutierrez on Monday afternoon after spending about 18 hours in transit including layovers in Atlanta and Mexico City. She arrived along with a total of 29 new missionaries (24 elders and 5 sisters). She likely arrived to parades, fiestas and fireworks smack in the middle of the two day celebration of Independence Day in Mexico.
We had purchased her a pre-paid calling card which ended up not getting used. For some reason she couldn't get it to work from the pay-phone in Salt Lake so she finally deposited some coins and we were able to call her back at the pay-phone (yes, they still exist!).
In Atlanta the pay-phones were actually all out of service in the terminal she was in. They are converting to a different type of phone where you can make 5 minute courtesy calls. Some of the missionaries had 'throw-away' cell phones they used to call home while in transit. But the calling cards we bought did not work as intended - so fortunately she was able to borrow her companion's 'throw-away' phone in Atlanta and we were still able to talk.
She sounded great and was excited to arrive in Mexico!